Package collection for Glacier.
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2022-03-09 18:29:36 +00:00
pkgs Add files via upload 2022-03-09 18:29:36 +00:00 Update 2022-03-09 18:27:42 +00:00


Collection of packages used by the Glacier package manager.

To submit a package, the following requirements must be met:

  • An information file named "{package_name}-pkginfo.json", which must contain the package's name, version, description, source tree size, executable size, and any dependencies that Glacier will install, and the name of the license (if it utilizes a license that is not GPL 3.0)
  • A script named describing what steps must be taken to install the package
  • A script named describing what steps must be taken to update the package
  • A script named describing what steps must be taken to remove the package
  • The executable
  • (optional) a copy of the license (if it utilizes a license that is not GPL 3.0)