## Glacier Glacier is the package management system for Everest Linux. It controls all user-installed packages on the system. Glacier is designed from the ground up, and uses a simple, PKGBUILD-like format, for ease of use. ## Get started Glacier requires the following packages: - Bash (Glacier runtime) - GNU make - GCC (or any compatible C compiler) - Git - Autoconf - Automake To install Glacier, clone this repository: ``` git clone https://git.everestlinux.org/EverestLinux/glacier cd glacier/install ``` Inside the `install` directory, edit install.conf.dist, ensure all options are adequate, and save as install.conf: ``` EDITOR=your_editor_here $EDITOR install.conf.dist ``` Run `build.sh` as root: ``` doas ./build.sh install # OR sudo ./build.sh install # OR su -c ./build.sh install ```