/* * libglacier.c - Backend C library for Glacier * * This file is part of Glacier. * * Glacier is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Glacier is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Glacier. If * not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_CHILDREN 64 #define MAX_SIZE 256 /* Global variables */ config_t cfg; config_setting_t *setting; const char str; int GLACIER_ALLOW_SERVICES; char GLACIER_ALLOWED_LICENSES; int GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK; int GLACIER_VERBOSE; const char *GLACIER_REPO; const char *GLACIER_ARCH; const char *GLACIER_TARGET; const char *GLACIER_LOCALDB; const char *GLACIER_SYSTEM_PROFILE; const char *runtime_files[] = { "/etc/glacier.cfg", "/etc/glacier/call-hooks", "/etc/make.conf" }; struct node { char *data; struct node *children[MAX_CHILDREN]; int numChildren; }; FILE *expected_hash; FILE *pkg; /* * infolog * * DESCRIPTION: Output a stylized info message. * PARAMETERS: char MSG[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_log.h * */ void infolog(char MSG[]) { if (MSG == NULL) { return; } printf(COL_BLUE "[i]" COL_RESET " %s\n", MSG); return; } /* * warnlog * * DESCRIPTION: Output a stylized warning message. * Parameters: char MSG[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_log.h * */ void warnlog(char MSG[]) { if (MSG == NULL) { return; } printf(COL_YELLOW "[!]" COL_RESET " %s\n", MSG); return; } /* * errlog * * DESCRIPTION: Output a stylized error message. * PARAMETERS: char MSG[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_log.h * */ void errlog(char MSG[]) { if (MSG == NULL) { return; } fprintf(stderr, COL_RED "[x]" COL_RESET " %s\n", MSG); return; } /* * successlog * * DESCRIPTION: Output a stylized success message. * PARAMETERS: char MSG[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_log.h * */ void successlog(char MSG[]) { if (MSG == NULL) { return; } printf(COL_GREEN "[*]" COL_RESET " %s\n", MSG); return; } /* * runtime_exists * * DESCRIPTION: Check if necesary runtime files exist. * PARAMETERS: None. * DEFINED IN: glacier_runtime.h * */ int runtime_exists(void) { int f; for (f = 0; f < sizeof(runtime_files); f++) { if (access(runtime_files[f], F_OK) == 0) { continue; } else { /* might keep this message, might not, idk */ /* errlog("Runtime files are missing, cannot continue with operation."); printf(COL_RED "[x]" COL_RESET " The following files are missing:\n"); printf(COL_RED "[x]" COL_RESET " \t%s\n", runtime_files[f]); */ return 0; } } return 1; } /* * is_process_root * * DESCRIPTION: Check if process is running as root. * PARAMETERS: char MSG[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_runtime.h * */ int is_process_root(void) { if (getuid() != 0) { return 0; /* process is not running as root */ } else { return 1; /* process is running as root */ } } /* * init_config * * DESCRIPTION: Initialize libconfig. * PARAMETERS: None. * DEFINED IN: glacier_config.h * */ int init_config(void) { config_init(&cfg); if (! config_read_file(&cfg, runtime_files[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - %s\n", config_error_file(&cfg), config_error_line(&cfg), config_error_text(&cfg)); config_destroy(&cfg); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (LG_VERBOSE == 1) { infolog("Initialized libconfig"); } return 0; } /* * die_config * * DESCRIPTION: Kill libconfig. * PARAMETERS: None. * DEFINED IN: glacier_config.h * */ int die_config(void) { config_destroy(&cfg); if (LG_VERBOSE == 1) { infolog("Destroyed libconfig"); } return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * load_all_from_config * * DESCRIPTION: Loads all settings from the Glacier config file. * PARAMETERS: None. * DEFINED IN: glacier_config.h * */ int load_all_from_config(void) { config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK", &GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK); config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "GLACIER_VERBOSE", &GLACIER_VERBOSE); config_lookup_string(&cfg, "GLACIER_REPO", &GLACIER_REPO); config_lookup_string(&cfg, "GLACIER_ARCH", &GLACIER_ARCH); config_lookup_string(&cfg, "GLACIER_TARGET", &GLACIER_TARGET); config_lookup_string(&cfg, "GLACIER_SYSTEM_PROFILE", &GLACIER_SYSTEM_PROFILE); } /* issues with this idk int load_all_from_config() { if(config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "GLACIER_ALLOW_SERVICES", &GLACIER_ALLOW_SERVICES)) printf("Services allowed: %s\n", GLACIER_ALLOW_SERVICES ? "true" : "false"); else warnlog("GLACIER_SERVICES_ALLOWED is not defined in glacier.cfg."); if(config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK", &GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK)) printf("Integrity checking enabled: %s\n", GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK ? "true" : "false"); else warnlog("GLACIER_DO_INT_CHECK is not defined in glacier.cfg."); if(config_lookup_bool(&cfg, "GLACIER_VERBOSE", &GLACIER_VERBOSE)) printf("Verbose logging: %s\n", GLACIER_VERBOSE ? "true" : "false"); else warnlog("GLACIER_VERBOSE is not defined in glacier.cfg."); } */ /* * load_setting_from_config * * DESCRIPTION: Load a specified setting from the Glacier config file. * PARAMETERS: char SETTING[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_config.h * */ /* int load_setting_from_config(char SETTING[]) {} */ /* * create_node * * DESCRIPTION: Create a dependency tree node. * PARAMETERS: char *data * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ struct node *create_node(char *data) { struct node *newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newNode->data = strdup(data); newNode->numChildren = 0; return newNode; } /* * add_child * * DESCRIPTION: Add a child node to a parent node. * PARAMETERS: struct node *parent, struct node *child * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void add_child(struct node *parent, struct node *child) { if (parent->numChildren < MAX_CHILDREN) { parent->children[parent->numChildren++] = child; } else { if (LG_VERBOSE == 1) { errlog("Maximum number of children exceeded"); } exit(1); } } /* * print_tree * * DESCRIPTION: Print a dependency tree. * PARAMETERS: struct node *root, int level * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void print_tree(struct node *root, int level) { if (root == NULL) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { printf(" "); } printf("%s\n", root->data); for (int i = 0; i < root->numChildren; i++) { print_tree(root->children[i], level + 1); } } /* Definition of queue data type */ typedef struct { int items[MAX_SIZE]; int front; int rear; } queue; /* * init_queue * * DESCRIPTION: Initialize a queue. * PARAMETERS: queue *q * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void init_queue(queue *q) { q -> front = -1; q -> rear = 0; } /* * queue_is_empty * * DESCRIPTION: Check if queue is empty. * PARAMETERS: struct node *root, int level * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ bool queue_is_empty(queue *q) { return (q -> front == q -> rear -1); } /* * queue_is_full * * DESCRIPTION: Check if queue is full. * PARAMETERS: queue *q * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ bool queue_is_full(queue *q) { return (q -> rear == MAX_SIZE); } /* * enqueue * * DESCRIPTION: Enqueue an element at the back of the queue. * PARAMETERS: queue *q, int value * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void enqueue (queue *q, int value) { if (queue_is_full(q)) { printf("Queue is full\n"); return; } q -> items[q -> rear] = value; q -> rear++; } /* * dequeue * * DESCRIPTION: Dequeue the element at the front of the queue. * PARAMETERS: queue *q, int value * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void dequeue(queue *q) { if (queue_is_empty(q)) { printf("Queue is empty\n"); return; } q -> front++; } /* * peek * * DESCRIPTION: View the element at the front of the queue. * PARAMETERS: struct node *root, int level * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ int peek(queue *q) { if (queue_is_empty(q)) { printf("Queue is empty\n"); return -1; } return q -> items[q -> front + 1]; } /* * print_queue * * DESCRIPTION: Print the queue. * PARAMETERS: queue *q * DEFINED IN: glacier_data.h * */ void print_queue(queue *q) { if (queue_is_empty(q)) { printf("Queue is empty\n"); return; } printf("Current Queue: "); for (int i = q -> front + 1; i < q -> rear; i++) { printf("%d ", q -> items[i]); } printf("\n"); } /* * mkworkspace * * DESCRIPTION: Creates a new Glacier workspace in /tmp. * PARAMETERS: None. * DEFINED IN: glacier_pkgops.h * */ int mkworkspace(void) { DIR* workspace = opendir("/tmp/glacier-workspace"); if (workspace) { /* infolog("Not creating new workspace, valid workspace already exists."); */ return 0; } else if (ENOENT == errno) { /* infolog("Creating new Glacier workspace..."); */ mkdir("/tmp/glacier-workspace", 0777); return 1; } else { if (LG_VERBOSE == 1) { errlog("in mkworkspace()"); errlog("mkdir() failed to run"); } return -1; } } /* * prepare_pkg * * DESCRIPTION: Copies a package archive from the localdb to the workspace, and unpacks it. * PARAMETERS: char PACKAGE[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_pkgops.h * */ int prepare_pkg(char PACKAGE[]) { if (PACKAGE == NULL) { printf(COL_RED "[x] " COL_RESET "Package '%s' does not exist in the local database.\n", PACKAGE); errlog("Ensure your local database is up to date and try again."); errlog("This can be done by running 'glacier-update-pkgdb' as root."); return 1; } else { char PKG_NEW[512]; strcat(PKG_NEW, "/tmp/glacier-workspace/"); strcat(PKG_NEW, PACKAGE); strcat(PKG_NEW, ".tar"); FILE *pkg_old, *pkg_new; char filename[100], contents; pkg_old = fopen(PACKAGE, "r"); pkg_new = fopen(PKG_NEW, "a+"); contents = fgetc(pkg_old); while (contents != EOF) { fputc(contents, pkg_new); contents = fgetc(pkg_old); } fclose(pkg_old); fclose(pkg_new); char *tar_args[] = { "/bin/tar", /* This should be changed to /glacier/bin/tar later on */ "-xvf", PKG_NEW, NULL, }; execvp( "/bin/tar", /* Above comment applies here */ tar_args ); if (errno != 0) { printf(COL_RED "[x] " COL_RESET "Error while unpacking archive for package %s.\n", PACKAGE); return errno; } remove(PKG_NEW); char pkg_dir[512]; strcat(pkg_dir, "/tmp/glacier-workspace/"); strcat(pkg_dir, PACKAGE); chdir(pkg_dir); } } /* download_package_sources() is deprecated and will be removed in a later release. */ /* int download_package_sources(char PACKAGE[]) { printf(COL_BLUE "[i] " COL_RESET "Downloading package archive for %s...\n", PACKAGE); if (GLACIER_SYSTEM_PROFILE == "x86-musl") { execl("/glacier/tools/wget", "https://git.everestlinux.org/EverestLinux/epkgs-x86-musl/", NULL); } else { printf(COL_RED "[x] " COL_RESET "System profile '%s' is not supported.\n", GLACIER_SYSTEM_PROFILE); } } */ void TEST_chdir(char dir[]) { char *buf; chdir(dir); buf = (char *) malloc(100*sizeof(char)); getcwd(buf, 100); printf("%s\n", buf); } /* * run_make_task * * DESCRIPTION: Runs a make task in current working directory * PARAMETERS: char TASK[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_pkgops.h * */ int run_make_task(char TASK[]) { char *build_args[] = { "/bin/make", /* This should be changed to /glacier/bin/make later on */ TASK, NULL }; execvp( "/bin/make", /* Above comment applies here */ build_args ); if (errno != 0) { errlog("An error occurred while running the make task."); return errno; } } /* * compare_file_hash * * DESCRIPTION: Compare two file hashes * PARAMETERS: char ORIG_HASH[], char FILE[] * DEFINED IN: glacier_security.h * */ int compare_file_hash(char ORIG_HASH[], char FILE[]) { }