.\" Manpage for pm. .TH man 1 "28 March 2023" "1.0" "Everest Linux Manual" .SH NAME pm \- password manager that stores all entries in a file for reference later .SH SYNOPSIS pm PASSWORD ENTRY_NAME .SH DESCRIPTION pm is a password manager for *NIX systems that stores entry names and passwords in a file. These can later be queried by pmsearch(1). pm is designed to work very well with ecrypt(1). .SH OPTIONS pm takes no options. .SH EXAMPLES Create a new entry named "entry1", using ecrypt to generate the password: pm $(ecrypt) entry1 .SH SEE ALSO ecrypt(1) .SH BUGS Report all bugs on the issues page at https://git.everestlinux.org/EverestLinux/pm .SH AUTHOR Liam Waldron (liamwaldron@everestlinux.org)