obsidian-vault/AP Euro/Chapter 15/Absolute Monarchs in Russia.md

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# {} Before Peter
### == Stuck in the Past ==
Russia was still very medieval
- Isolated from many of the developments in Europe
- Unaffected by the European Renaissance
Romanov Dynasty began in 1613, centralized authority under a Tsar
- Nobles had elected Michael Romanov
- He and his successors brought stability and some centralization
# {} Peter & Modernization
### == Peter the Great ==
Only 10 in 1682 when he came to the throne
- Shared it with his brother Ivan until his death in 1696
- Tumultuous beginning to his reign
- Convinced he must secure power from the streltsy and boyars and increase the Russian Military
1697 he journeyed throughout Europe
- Especially impressed by the maritime powers
- Recruited a group and brought them back to Russia
- Used them to westernize his country
### == Modernizing by Force ==
Enforced autocratic rule - rule with unlimited authority
- Forced the boyars to be civil or military officials (Table of Ranks)
Cultural changes as well
- Russian style made them the butt jokes in Europe
- Boyars were forced to shave their bears, wear western style clothes, and mix with women in public
- To ensure noble cooperation, he strengthened noble control over their lands
- Stricter control over serfs spread the practice
- Some serfs were used by his government as well - soldiers and laborers
### == Might Makes Right ==
Pushed through reforms modeled after the west
- Technology, education, simplified alphabet
- Mercantilist policies: encouraged exports and manufacturing
- A trade surplus is necessary for healthy economy
Put down resistance with gruesome displays
Expanded his control to include the church
- Abolished the patriarch, set up the Holy Synod which would govern the church with his influence
### == Expanding Russian Influence ==
Military - largest standing army in Europe and a modern navy
- Goal: attain a warm water port on the Black Sea
- Unable to defeat the Ottomans
- Defeated the Swedes in the Great Northern War and ports on the Baltic and a place in European politics
- Won lands to the west north of Manchuria and sent explorers along the Bering Strait
Built St. Petersburg
- Constructed "window to the west" on the Baltic sea
### == Was Peter Successful? ==
Attained warm water ports
Built a large army and modern navy
Increased power over nobles
- Some ground was lost after his death
Expanded holdings to the pacific
Left no heir
Serfdom increased
- Widened the gap with Western Europe