obsidian-vault/AP Euro/Chapter 15/Absolutism.md

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# {} Before Louis
#### -- Henry IV Brings Peace --
Reformed France
- In doing so, expanded his influence into every part of French life
- Drained swamps, built or restored roads and bridges
- Removed corrupt or incompetent officials
- Reclaimed lands that had been taken by nobility, strictly collected taxes
- Reduced noble influence, thereby extending his own
#### -- Cardinal Richelieu --
Henry IV was assassinated, leaving the throne to Louis XIII, who was 9
- Cardinal Richelieu became the chief minister, set to work strengthening the King's power
- In escennce, he ruled France from 1624 to 1642
- Took away power from the nobles, increased their dependence on the king
- Sent out indentants
- 1641 - An edict took away the independent power of the parlements
#### -- Cardinal Mazarin --
Louis XIV inherited the throne at only 5 years old in 1643
Cardinal Mazarin picked up where Richelieu had left off (died in 1642)
- Continued to advice Louis XIV after he came of age
- Helped the throne gain power by establishing an efficient administration
# {} Louis XIV
#### -- The "Sun King" --
Louis took power at the age of 23
Believed that he had a divine right to rule
- Claimed the sun as his symbol
- Absolute power in war, peace, religion, and economy
- "I'etat, c'est moi - I am the state"
- Images of the sun were found everywhere
- Make the monarchy powerful, but give nobles influence locally
- Never once called the Estates General
- Built the strongest army in Europe
- Appointed intendants
- Collected taxes, recruited soldiers, carried out policy
- Middle class, loyal families
#### -- Jean-Baptiste Colbert --
Raised to finance minister
- Taxes helped financed the king's wars and lifestyle
- Utilized mercantilism
- Used tarrifs to protect domestic industry
- Built up luxury goods industry in France
- Encouraged emigration to New France, source of raw materials
Brought great wealth, not enough to outweigh huge expenses
#### -- Building Versailles --
Began as a royal hunting lodge
Louis XIV transformed it to the most opulent palace in France
- Made it the seat of government
- Symbolized his wealth and power
- Daily life revolved around him like planets around the sun
= Immortalized himself as various Greek and Roman gods
Rituals like the levee kept nobles competing for power
- These rituals were the only time many nobles got to make their requests of the king
#### -- Louis XIV's reign --
72 year reign made France the most powerful country in Europe
Louis tried to expand France's borders and influence
- Other countries came together to keep the balance of power
- Made several alliances against France
- War of the Spanish Succession, they prevented the unification of France and Spain with the Grand Alliance
#### -- Long Reign and the Ugly Side of Louis XIV --
Renewed persecution of the Huguenots
- 1685: revoked the Edict of Nantes
- 100,000 Huguenots left France
- Lost many skilled workers and prosperous subjects
- A blow to the French economy and France's reputation