### == Contributing Factors == The dismissal of Necker on July 11th - Popular with the 3rd Estate, contributed to the fall of the Bastille Famine in France - Crops failed in the "Little Ice Age" - Bread prices rose by over 88%, people were forced to spend most of their income to eat - Fueled anger towards nobles and taxation ### == The Great Fear == The Third Estate developed conspiracy theories about the famine The National Assembly met to stop the spreading chaos on August 4th, 1789 - Prearranged for several nobles to give up their feudal rights - Made all French Citizens equal - Abolished the ancien regime ### == Establishing Equality == On August 25th, the National Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man - Based in part on earlier American documents - All men free and equal - Due process of law, innocent until proven guilty - Freedom of religion - Right to property ### == Women Take Action == Louis XVI hesitated to ratify the new changes October 5th, 1789 - 6000 armed women marched to Versailles demanding bread - They refused to leave until the king returned with them to Paris ### == New Constitution, New Government == Needed to fulfill the Tennis Court Oath Cosntitution of 1791 - Limited monarchy - Could veto, but not halt legislation - Legislative Assembly with power - Make all laws - Collect taxes - Decide on issues of war and peace - Voting - Rights for tax-paying males over 25 - Created 83 departments - Uniform courts, outlawed outdated punishment - Only propertied males may vote Olympe de Gougues outraged women were not included - Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women ### == Solving the Financial Crisis == Much of the French debt was owed to the bourgeoisie - The national assembly (largely made of the bourgeoisie) worked to solve the financial crisis - One solution - take over and sell church lands The Civil Constitution of the Clergy - Bishops and priests became elected, salaried officials - Ended papal authority in France - Required clergy to take an oath - Many refused, people were forced to choose between religion and revolution ### == Louis' Escape Attempt == June 1791: the King and his family tried to flee Paris - Disguised as servants, made it as far as Varennes - Discovered when he was compared to French currency - Appeared to be a traitor - The constitutional monarchy would not last ### == The French Plague == Emigres: over 16000 aristocrats that left France - Spoke with other leaders about their harrowing lives in France - Caused other European monarchs to turn againt the French revolution - Feared it would spread to their lands - Anticipated escalating violence The Declaration of Pilnitz - Issued by Austria and Prussia - Claimed they would intervene to protect the monarchy if the other European powers agreed