# {} Pre-Revolution #### Important terms - Glorious Revolution - invasion of England by William and Mary - Toleration Act - act of Parliament that granted freedom to Protestant sects but not Catholics - Bill of Rights - Set up the basis for a constitutional monarchy ## == The Glorious Revolution == Charles II brother, James II inherited the throne in 1685 - Openly Catholic, people feared he would make England Catholic again - Parliament hatched a plan to make sure it didn't happen In 1688, The Glorious Revolution occurred - James' daughter and her Dutch Protestant husband (William and Mary) were invited to take the English throne - They landed with their army, and James fled to France - Bloodless ## == English Bill of Rights == William and Mary signed the English Bill of Rights before they were crowned - They ruled a limited Monarchy - Ensured Parliament was superior to the new monarchs - Parliament must be called regularly - Power of the purse - Could not interfere in debates or suspend laws - No Roman Catholic could rule - Restated basic rights for the English Toleration Act - Limited religious freedom for some Protestant sects, not Catholics # {} Post Revolution ## == Britain Becomes a Constitutional Government == A government whose power is limited by law Political Parties - At first, class based Tories (aristocrats who promoted tradition) and Whigs (favored Parliament, business, and urban interests) Cabinet: formed of the leaders of Parliament who played an advisory role to the King Prime Minister: the head of cabinet - The leader of the majority party in the House of Commons - His power later exceeded the monarch ### == Not So Fast... === Parliament was not quite an example of democracy - Landowners still held most of the power (oligarchy)\ - Used it to their advantage, detrimental to poor and landless - Very few could vote - Middle class was growing