obsidian-vault/BioCosmo/Chapter 9 & 11.md
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There is no doubt among scientists that we originated from Africa 300,000 YA - homo sapiens emerged in the fossil record 120,000-60,000 YA - Modern homo sapiens emerged More complex stone tools, Rituals, dense populations, trade networks What happened?

Non human animal communication involves linear order between sound and signs, while human language is hierarchical First humans emerged in Norther Africa around 120-60K YA

Genetics says we descend from a few thousand or hundred individuals

Mitochondrial Eve We receive mitochondria from our mothers. Over time there are mutations that geneticists can measure "Eve" is the one woman we can all trace back to

Y Chromosomal Adam The man who we can trace our Y chromosome back to

We all can trace our genetics back to one woman and one man

Human self awareness is to be able to reflect on one's self

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Monogenism - the idea that all humans descend from a literal first couple, Adam and Eve Today it seems unlikely, if not genetically impossible, that monogenism is true

Polygenism - modern genetics shows we need to have came from a population of a few thousand

Venerable Pius XII - Pope who wrote Humani Generis, which is the first Church response to Darwinism

Pius said "it is not apparent how polygenism can be reconciled with original sin", only because the currently proposed theory of multiregionalism (ethnic groups evolving separately) blatantly went against the doctrine of original sin, but left the door open for future discoveries

Modern science does not believe in multiregionalism, but instead knows definitively that we all originated in Africa

{} Souls

Human souls are created directly by God, they do not evolve

Whenever a new human is conceived, it must involve the direct creation of its soul

Evolution according to the God given laws of the universe and due to the activity of creatures over millions of years, has yielded a situation where in our universe there is not a material creature for whom to be spiritual is its natural state, whose origins implicate God and require his direct involvement.