obsidian-vault/AP Euro/Chapter 17/The Beginning of the Industrial Age.md
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## == What is a revolution? ==
An overthrow of a government or social order for a new system
- Governmental Overthrow
- American Revolution
- French Revolution
- Social Order
- A momentous shift in people's way of live
- Usually relating to technology
- Industrial revolution
## == Life Before the Industrial Revolution ==
Most people were farmers
- Hand-held tools, no electricity
- Provided for themselves
- Made their own clothes, grew their own food
- Traveled by horse and carriage, rarely left home
## == First Agricultural Revolution ==
Over 10,000 years ago
- Occurred when people learned to farm
- Humanity went from hunter-gatherers to living in settled villages
- Improved quality of life but after farming stayed mostly the same
## == A Chain Reaction ==
Uncertain food supply and a high population
- Poor harvests meant high prices
- French Revolution
During the 18th century, prices rose steadily
- Only benefitted wealthy landowners
- Farmers began to innovate
## == Changes to Farming First ==
In the 1700s, the Dutch made changes
- Dikes
- Combined fields
- Fertilized with manure
English made improvements as well
- Mixed soils
- Different crop rotations
- Clover and turnips
- Tull's seed drill
Enclosure system
- In the Middle Ages, peasants shared land for grazing
- By the 1700s, farmers claimed that land and surrounded it with fences
- Bigger fields meant more output
## == Upsetting the Social Order ==
Changing goals
- Old goal: produce enough for local food supply
- New goal: pursue a profit
Many peasants were displaced by enclosure
- Independent operations had required grazing in communal fields
## == Better Farms Mean... ==
More food ->
- More population
- Doubled in England in a century
- Less need for farmers
Many peasants lost their jobs
- Migrated to the city in search of work
## == Better Farming + New Technology ==
- Energy
- The steam and condensation operated pumps and other machinery
- Coal was used to smelt better quality iron
- Burned hotter
- Molten iron purified and poured into forms - cheaper and more versatile
- The iron itself was put to use in steam engines, bridges, and other industrial projects
## == Improving Textile Production ==
From the putting-out system to factories
- Putting-out system: system before the industrial revolution where peasants made cloth in their homes
- Cottage industry
- slow
New inventions sped up the process
- Flying shuttle and Water Frame - fast weaving
- Spinning Jenney - fast spinning
- Cotton Gin - cleaned cotton at a fast rate
Factories were born
- Why?
- Machines were too big/expensive for home use
- Large sheds were built to house them and people would come to use them
- Built near running water to use as energy
- Produced huge quantities
- Cotton was 50% of English exports by 1830
## == Transportation ==
Needed better ways to transport goods
- Entrepreneurs built turnpikes, canals, and bridges
- Made money by charging for their use or benefitting from increased trade
- Canals important until trains surpassed them
Steam Locomotive
- Used a steam engine to power new trains
- Could take a more direct route than rivers
- Cheap and fast
- First line completed in England in 1830
## == A Positive Chain Reaction ==
New machines
Cheaper goods
More consumers
More demand for products
## == It Began in Britain ==
- An island with many rivers
- Good for trade and water power
Natural Resources
- Plentiful in coal and iron
- Used for energy and construction
- A skilled, plentiful workforce
- A need/desire for goods
- First fashion industry
A wealthy middle class
- Overseas investments
- Entrepreneurs had money to invest
- Sound banking and credit
Stable government and strong navy
- Good conditions for trade
- Could protect their exports
Functioning religion that promotes tolerance
Overseas colonies