obsidian-vault/AP Euro/Chapter 15/Chapter 15 Textbook Notes.md
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{} Chronology

  • ca 1500-1650 - Consolidation of Serfdom in Eastern Europe
  • 1533-1584 - Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia
  • 1589-1610 - Reign of Henry IV in France
  • 1598-1613 - Time of Troubles in France
  • 1620-1740 - Growth of Absolutism in Austria and Prussia
  • 1642-1649 - English Civil War, which ends with execution of Charles I
  • 1643-1715 - Reign of Louis XIV in France
  • 1653-1658 - Military rule in England under Oliver Cromwell (the Protectorate)
  • 1660 - Restoration of English Monarchy under Charles II
  • 1665-1683 - Jean-Baptiste Colbert applies mercantilism to France
  • 1670 - Charles II agrees to re-Catholicize England in secret agreement with Louis XIV
  • 1670-1671 - Cossack revolt led by Stenka Razin
  • ca. 1680-1750 - Construction of absolutist palaces
  • 1682 - Louis moves courts to Versailles
  • 1682-1725 - Reign of Peter the Great in Russia
  • 1683-1718 - Habsburgs push the Ottoman Turks from Hungary
  • 1685 - Edict of Nantes revoked in France
  • 1688-1889 - Glorious Revolution in England
  • 1701-1713 - War of the Spanish Succession

{} Seventeenth Century Crisis and Rebuilding

Referred to as the Age of Crisis - Religious - Social - Political - etc Led to expansion of government, taxation, and military

== The Social Order and Peasant Life ==

Social hierarchy in most countries: Monarch Clergy (catholic countries) Nobility Merchants Artisans Peasants

In Western Europe many peasants owned land In Eastern Europe most peasants were serfs

== Famine and Economic Crisis ==

Change in climate led to food shortages (just like before and during the plague)